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Places you should not miss while in Norway

Entrepreneur Fjeldstad

Norway has been getting attention from travellers all around the world for a very simple reason: its jaw-dropping landscapes.

Probably you’ve seen many pictures of the fjords, or maybe you have already checked what to do in Oslo.

Truth is that there is so much to see in this country that it may be impossible to list down only a few things. However, in this post, we are going to show you the top picks of other fellow travellers and some not so well-known spots.

Here we go…

Lofoten Islands

Unless you have been living out of social media, you have likely seen pictures of Lofoten Islands somewhere.

And for a good reason. Lofoten Islands is a natural paradise.

But not only that, there are so many things you can do while in Lofoten. For example: Experiencing the Viking culture.

The interest in the Vikings has reached an all-time high over the last years. From newly discovered ships to living villages and high-tech exhibitions

If you are very interested in this topic, you can head to Lofotr Viking Museum, which is an impressive reconstruction of the largest house that has been found dating back to the Viking Age.

Another thing you wouldn’t want a miss is a walk around the towns where you can admire the fjords as the background, taste local food, visit some of the archipelagos or do the one thing everyone looks for when they come to Lofoten Islands

Be amazed by the northern lights.

Be aware that you can only do this in winter.

The reason why this happens is that Lofoten is situated just beneath the auroral oval, a belt of light that encircles the geomagnetic poles and provides some of the best chances of seeing the northern lights.

Those who are serious about exploring Norway don’t miss this spot.

Pro Tip: To increase the chance of you witnessing this natural show, download the NorwayLights app, it provides the best prediction for when to see the northern lights in the area.

Discover an intriguing capital

Oslo Norway

Oslo is a capital like no other

It is relatively small if you compare it to cities like London or New York, but this does not mean that it lacks of fascinating places to visit.

The city centre is filled with shops, art galleries, iconic buildings and world-class cafes

Make sure to visit The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet which looks incredible when the sun is setting. Visit the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History and head out on a boat for the afternoon on the Oslo Fjord.

In case you are moving to Norway and you want to explore the city with the help of locals and learn the language. Our Norwegian classes in Oslo will provide you with the necessary tools and information to make your immersion to Norwegian society a smooth one. We can definitely help you with that.

For those fond of history and cultural exposure, head to Akershus Fortress; a 13th-century fortification that was built to protect the city from troublesome invaders.

You will not run out of cultural options, there are plenty of museums and spots to learn much more about Norway.

For nature lovers, Nordmarka forest will become your to-go spot. Located just in the outskirts of the city, the forest will get you surprised by its beauty and proximity to the city. Even if you don’t have a car, you can still get to spots like; Holmenkollen, Frognerseteren, Sørkedalen, and Sognsvann and head off on your own adventure from there.

Oslo is everything you expect from a capital and more…in small size.


Preikestolen View

One of the most recognized spots in Norway is Preikestolen. This is an attraction best suited for the active travellers thanks to the arduous journey required to get there.

The closest city is Stavanger, from there you will need ferries, bus rides and a two-hour uphill hike to reach the almost perfectly flat-topped cliff, which looks over Lysefjord, more than 600 meters above the water.

Once you get to the top, the view is just splendid and well worth the effort.

There are other attractions in the Stavanger area like the Canning Museum or the Stavanger Cathedral.


If you thought that only tropical beaches boast white sand and turquoise water, think again.

Norway also has some beaches with white sand and turquoise water, just not as warm as the ones in tropical areas.

To be more precise, we are referring to Sommarøy, it is surrounded by the most beautiful beaches in Arctic Norway. You may even be tempted to go for a swim.

To get to Sommarøy, you can drive or take a bus from Tromsø.

There is no way you can be disappointed by the beautiful scenery, don’t forget to put it on your list!

One more thing to notice on this point is that Tromsø itself is a charming small city that you will enjoy. Food there is very good and hotel rooms are relatively cheap.


Trondheim - Nidaros Domkirke

Last but not least, Trondheim, another city on this list. There is a good reason for this to be the case…

Trondheim holds a special place in Norwegian history and culture. It was the first capital of Norway and is still the city where new kings receive their ceremonial blessing.

The city is surrounded by beautiful forests and hills, it boasts alluring shopping streets, there is a myriad of restaurants offering the various delicacies of the region and the colourful buildings make Trondheim one of the most photogenic cities in Norway.

Trondheim is a city that must not be missed.

As to what to visit in the city.

Nidaros Domkirke has to be on your list, it will be an opportunity for you to see medieval splendour. Nidaros Cathedral is the world’s most northerly medieval building, it will wow you as soon as you look at it.

We also recommend you to take a tram up to Lian, a scenic recreational area, popular among the local residents. In summer you can even swim in the lake!

Once in Lian, you can also head to the surrounding woods and walk around Bymarka, there are many pretty paths there.

Of course, the perks of visiting Trondheim don’t end here there is so much more the city has to offer that it wouldn’t be responsible to leave Trondheim out of your list, however, we don’t want to spoil the surprises, just head there and let the city do its magic.

Is this all?

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the things you must visit in Norway. Not even close.

Norway has so much to offer to all its visitors and residents alike, but it is just impossible and unfair to list them all down. For that reason, this is only a short-listed recommendation based on top picks by previous students and travellers.

If you are a person who marvels at the gems nature has to offer, Norway will be a place you won’t forget.

The culture, the landscapes, the sometimes-unfathomable natural events you can witness and the charm of Norwegian people will add up to your experience and make it just awesome.

Oh, we almost forgot to mention; we have classes in four locations in Norway, each offering a distinctive experience. Check our courses page for more information.

Welcome to Norway!

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Hei! Ich bin Lea, 19 Jahre alt und komme aus Deutschland. In Lutherstadt Wittenberg bin ich geboren, jedoch auf Grund meiner Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement nach Berlin gezogen. Innerhalb meiner Ausbildung in der Verwaltung des Deutschen Bundestages, habe ich die Chance ein Auslandspraktikum zu absolvieren. Dafür habe ich Norwegen gewählt und mich in der Sprachschule New 2 Norway beworben. New 2 Norway ist keine herkömmliche Sprachschule. Hier lernt man nicht in Klassenzimmern, sondern während der Aktivitäten, beispielsweise beim Wandern. Denn so kommt man einfacher ins Gespräch und die Atmosphäre ist hierbei lockerer. Die Inhaberin Tove Jane ist ein sehr herzlicher Mensch und perfektioniert die Sprachkurse, indem sie genau auf die Präferenzen und Interessen der Teilnehmer eingeht. Mit maximal 6 Teilnehmern pro Sprachkurs ist es möglich, auf jeden Teilnehmer individuell einzugehen. In den ersten 2 Wochen meines Auslandspraktikums bei New 2 Norway darf ich selbst an diesen Sprachkursen teilnehmen, um das Konzept hinter New 2 Norway besser kennenzulernen. Am Montag fuhr ich mit dem Expressbus von Oslo nach Årdalstangen, wo Tove Jane aufgewachsen ist. Auf der Fahrt konnte ich die atemberaubende Natur bestaunen. Nach 5 Stunden und 45 Minuten kam ich an. Bis zum leckeren sowie typisch norwegischem Abendessen (Brimis urtekremet Laks) hatte ich Zeit, meinen Koffer auszupacken. Während des Essens kam ich mit den anderen ins Gespräch und wir genossen den ersten gemeinsamen Abend. Der zweite Tag begann mit einer Wanderung, den Vettisvegen entlang, wobei wir unter anderem auch den schönsten Wasserfall Norwegens, den Vettisfossen, sehen konnten. Die gesammelten Eindrücke der Natur waren fantastisch. Bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen werteten wir den Tag aus. Ein Besuch im Technologiepark, welcher zu dem lokalen Unternehmen „Hydro“ gehört, stand am Mittwoch an. Dort lernten wir einiges über Aluminium in Form von erneuerbarer Energie. Anschließend folgte ein Vortrag eines Biotechnologen in dem Biotechnologie-Unternehmen namens „FjordAlg“ über Fischfutter für die Lachszucht auf der Basis von Mikrobakterien in Kombination mit Algen. Im Anschluss wanderten wir zu den Wikinger-Gräbern, die typisch für Norwegen sind und sahen ein ehemaliges Wikinger-Dorf, wo nur noch ein paar Reste aus Stein zu sehen waren. Der Tag endete mit einem gemeinsamen Abendessen. Am Donnerstag konnte jeder Teilnehmer den Tag bis 16:00 Uhr individuell gestalteten. Ich nutzte die freie Zeit, um meine Wochenberichte zu schreiben und einen kleinen Spaziergang in dieser wunderschönen Natur zu genießen. Nach unserem gemeinsamen und typisch norwegischen Abendessen gingen wir zu einem Konzert in die Kirche von Årdalstangen. Hier lauschten wir den schönen Stimmen der jungen Musiker. Da ich genau wie ein anderer Teilnehmer in der nächsten Woche am Sprachkurs in Nordfjordeid (Nordfjord) teilnehme, fuhren wir gemeinsam mit dem Auto nach Nordfjordeid. Unterwegs hielten wir im Turtagrø Hotel für eine Kaffeepause an. Ein weiterer Stopp auf unserer Route war Lom. Dort besichtigten wir eine Stabkirche aus dem 12. Jahrhundert. Auf der Fahrt nach Nordfjordeid, Tindevegen, sahen wir die höchsten Gipfel Norwegens, es war einfach atemberaubend. Nach unserer Ankunft in Nordfjordeid haben wir zusammen Abendbrot gegessen.
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